I am taking the weekend off! My husband and I are going to get away for a night for the first time since we’ve had kids (that equals 10 years for those of you who wonder…)
I’ve spent the night away from the kids before, but it was when I was in the hospital having more kids, so I’m pretty sure that doesn’t count as “getting away”.
We’re going to revel in our nerditude (New word. I just made it up but it describes us to a tee. When we were dating my husband’s niece and nephews called us ‘King and Queen Geek’.) We’re going to catch a Weird Al show.
White & Nerdy from waymoby on Vimeo.
When my husband bought these tickets for me as a Mother’s Day present he told some of his co-workers about our plans. One of them said, “Weird Al? That’s cool!” To which my husband, The Evil Genius, replied, “No. No it isn’t. And that’s why we’re going.” I love him.
We’re going to get dinner at a real, honest-to-goodness restaurant where I will pay people to cook for me and clean up after me. We will have wine with dinner and we will,
*wait for it because it’s worth it*,
Thank you for the gratis babysitting, Nana. You rock.
Reader's Thoughts...
colleen says
Thanks for friending me on food buzz. The name of my blog’s domain says it all about me. GEEKS RULE! Have a great geeky weekend. Weird Al, Ah yes. what could be nerdier than a polka artist who plays the accordeon? Except that the accordeon is becoming cool, of all things.
Mark by Chocolate says
It’s nerdhood! 😉 Speaking of which, how did you upload that viddie. I’m having massive trouble on blogspot. Suggestions? You are probably not on blogspot. Dang.
Rebecca says
ECM and Melissa- Thanks for not leaving me hanging in nerdy solitude.
melissa says
i hope you have a wonderful time! And, ummm…
evil chef mom says
i am now going to have this song stuck in my head, thanks.. i just got stuck through the drive-thru out of my head… you are truely evil!