It is simply gorgeous outside here today. And for that reason, I will not be long winded here. (And there was much rejoicing…) My kids are standing on the porch, pressing their faces against the window asking me when I’ll be out. They’re also waiting for their smoothies so I have to make like a bird here, and fly.
When I was a wee thing my favorite snacks and desserts were milk shakes, purple cows, and my Mom’s version of an Orange Julius. There is something so exciting about using the blender to whip up dessert. It seemed like such alchemy to put all those bumpy, multi-textured ingredients into the carafe and spin it into perfectly smooth thing of beauty. Plus I just dug anything I could drink with a straw.
A couple years ago I realized -and not for the first time, I might add- that my mother is a genius. Look at the list of ingredients that go into a Purple Cow: plain yogurt, frozen bananas, and grape juice concentrate. That’s it. It’s cheap. It’s simple. It blows the doors off of most other snacks in terms of nutritive value. The yogurt gives you protein, calcium, magnesium, riboflavin, vitamins B-6 and B-12, and vitamin D. The bananas give you vitamin B6, vitamin C, potassium, dietary fiber, and manganese. The grape juice concentrate gives you a power punch of vitamin C and antioxidants. Not only that, but Purple Cows take 5 minutes or less, start to finish. Thank you, Mom.
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Purple Cow Smoothies
- Prep time: 5 minutes or lessCooking time: NA
Yield: 4-8 servings, depending on desired size
The Evil Genius says he doesn't like this picture 'because it's tilty like Batman'. I says I like the picture because, well, 'it's tilty like Batman'. See? Opposites attract. - 4 cups plain yogurt, divided
- 1 (11.5 ounce) container frozen 100% Grape Juice concentrated, divided
- 3 frozen bananas (peeled prior to freezing, if available)
Place yogurt, bananas, and grape juice concentrate in the blender jar.
If the juice concentrate fights you, just stick a spoon in there and show it who is boss. You don't have to make your own yogurt, but it's awfully fun and it tastes awesome. Did I mention it's cheap, too? Place lid on the blender and blend on high speed until smooth.
You spin me right 'round, baby, right 'round. Like a record, baby... - If the blender is struggling, turn off, remove the lid and stir, add a little cold water or milk, replace the lid and blend again. Divide smoothies between serving glasses.
If it weren't for missing out on the straw and flirting with brain freeze I'd pour this straight into my mouth. Add straws and slurp away!
Don't lick the blade. Just don't.
Reader's Thoughts...
neal says
I remember the purple cow in chicago on 99th and western ave. There use to be a old popeye video game inside I use to play. I miss places like this. I wish i could share this with my children. Thank you for the recipe I will try. AHHHH! MEMORIES
Rebecca says
Anna- You’re welcome! I’m glad you (your kids) enjoyed it…
Maggie- It is just that. Strangely addictive. Give it a go!
Maggie says
I’d always see purple cows advertised in Meijer but never got one. This sounds strangely addictive.
Anna says
I made this today as a treat for my kiddos. They loved it (so did I). Thanks for sharing the recipe!
Rebecca says
lisaiscooking- I’m glad I jogged your memory. I actually worked at a small town ice cream shop back in the day. It was Worley’s Whippy Dip in Vanderbilt, MI. Now. If anyone reading this blog and comment has been there I’ll eat my hat.
lisaiscooking says
Growing up in small-town Illinois, there was an ice cream shop named the purple cow. I hadn’t thought of it in years. Your smoothie looks delish!